Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Fri, 30 Jul 2021 14:28:25 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232Energy Ministry Sets Strategies to Achieve Affordable Electricity Tariffs for Ugandans Fri, 30 Jul 2021 14:28:25 +0000 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) has set measures to be implemented in the continuous reduction of the end user tariffs for all electricity consumers. This follows the approval of new Electricity End-User Tariffs to be charged by Umeme Limited for the supply of electrical energy.

Hon Ruth Nankabirwa, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) confirmed that the ministry is spear heading the amendment of the Electricity Act 1999 to provide for purchase of electricity directly from generators and/or the transmission company by big industrial customers to reduce the end user tariff for manufacturers starting with those in the proximity of transmission infrastructures.

According to the minister, that government has over the years planned and implemented various measures to continuously reduce the end user tariffs for all electricity consumers among these include; in June 2018, government finalized debt refinancing of the Bujagali Hydro Power Plant â€" reducing the extra-large industrial consumer category tariff to USD cents 8.0/kWh and USD cents 5/kWh at off-peak time of use period.

Nankabirwa notes that distribution efficiency was improved with the energy losses by Umeme Limited having reduced from 27% in 2011 to a target of 14% in 2021. In 2017, MEMD also implemented the extra-large industrial consumer category. This consumer category includes 43 industries; consuming 27% of the electricity and the overall cost structure and competitiveness is very sensitive to the cost of electricity.

Government financed Karuma and Isimba Hydro Power Plants. Isimba was commissioned in April 2019 and Karuma is expected to be commissioned in June 2022. The tariff for both Karuma and Isimba are less than USD cents 5/kWh during the loan repayment period and will be less than USD cents 1.2 after the loan repayment.

MEMD also implemented the rebate policy where consumers who finance construction of electrical installation and refunded through a rebate against the electricity bills/invoice. This has reduced the turnaround time for industrial new connection. Additional Demand estimated at 60MW is being implemented under the rebate.

MEMD has implemented a declining Block Tariff for Large and extra-large industrial consumers â€" where the tariff reduces as industries consume more electricity based on predetermined consumption threshold.

The fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Uganda Shilling against the United States Dollar is one of the biggest challenges affecting financial sustainability of the ESI. MEMD has commenced a pilot foreign exchange hedging of power purchase costs amounting to USD 1 million per month effective January 2021 hence hedging of foreign exchange risk.

The MEMD has as well determined a new set of minimum standards of reliability and quality of electricity supply for Umeme Limited and UETCL â€" based on the financial reward and penalty structure.

The Ministry and its agencies holds quarterly meetings with Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA) to discuss power reliability challenges faced by individual industrial consumers, electricity tariff trajectory, demand growth initiatives, investment plans, and implementation of directives by the president of Uganda in respect to electricity tariffs.

The MEMD has commenced implementation of pilot projects towards ensuring Ugandans and institutions use electricity for cooking such instead of charcoal and firewood.

]]>High Court throws out Simbamanyo Estates appeal against Equity Bank, Meera Investments, ordered to pay costs Fri, 30 Jul 2021 13:31:05 +0000 High Court has dismissed with costs an application in which the proprietors of Simbamanyo Estates Limited had sought to halt the transfer of it’s prime properties in Kampala which was meant for Equity Bank Ltd to recover outstanding loans worth $10.8 million (about Shs40 billion).

In her ruling delivered by e-mail on Friday, 30 July, Justice Susan Abinyo said Simbamanyo Estates did not present to court acceptable grounds for court’s consideration to halt the orders of the Registrar Commercial Court, issued on February 17, 2021.

The judge also ordered legal costs for bank and three others â€" Meera Investments Ltd, Luwaluwa Investments Ltd, and the Commissioner Land Registration incurred in the appeal.

An earlier ruling by the High Court had also dismissed issues presented by the proprietors of Simbamanyo Estates, trying to save the estate that was sold to Meera Investments Ltd, through public auction.

Following the ruling, Equity Bank lawyers will now have to file a bill of costs to be approved by court.

Justice Abinyo confirmed that stopping the sale would have infringed the Bank’s right to be heard and also inconvenienced those who prepared for the auction which was advertised on September 8 fixing the sale date.
On October 8 this last year, Simbamanyo Estates Limited filed an application seeking for express orders to stay the sale of its properties which took place on the same day.

Court records show that on the same day, the bank sold Simbamanyo building housing among others the ministry of gender on Lumumba Avenue and Afrique Suites Limited, a four-star hotel at Mutungo Hill, Nakawa Division on the same day.

The court decision followed Simbamanyo Estates Limited’s notice of withdrawing the application with no order to costs which Equity Bank lawyers of AF Mpanga conceded to the withdrawal but demanded for the legal costs incurred.

The High Court, Commercial Division has since dismissed pleadings in which the proprietors of Simbamanyo Estates Limited had sought to stop the sale.

In February this year, Court first dismissed the application by the administrators of Simbamanyo Estates Limited in which they wanted the auctioning of its prime properties in Kampala by Equity Bank Ltd to recover an outstanding loan of Shs40.1bn to be halted.

The ruling was made by High Court judge Her Worship, Bucyana Lillian, in the absence of the parties upon application by Co-Counsel for the 2nd defendant (Meera Investments limited).

Meera Investments had pleaded that it had nothing to do with the Simbamanyo estates owners because it was an outsider to their business transaction with Equity bank. Meera only bought the building lawfully from the bank after Mr Peter Kamya and his firm failed to honor their loan obligations.

“It is hereby ordered and Decreed that the suit abates for failure to take out summons for directions in time. Given under my hand and the seal of this Honorable Court this 7th day of February 2021,” reads the ruling.

Simbamanyo’s case was first dismissed by the Court of Appeal judge Justice Christopher Madrama last year in October because Simbamanyo Estates did not have acceptable grounds for the court to deny the bank legal costs incurred.

“The respondent (Equity Bank) upon being served, instructed lawyers and the lawyers took action to oppose the application by filing the appropriate affidavits in reply, as well as written submissions,” Justice Madrama held.

At the beginning of October, Simbamanyo Estates filed an application expressing orders to halt the sale of its properties although the bank went ahead and sold Simbamanyo building on Lumumba Avenue and Afrique Suites Limited, a four-star hotel at Mutungo Hill, Nakawa Division.

However, Justice Madrama ruled that stopping the sale would have been an infringement on the bank’s right to be heard as well as an inconvenience to those who had prepared for the auction that was advertised on August 7 and 11 last year.

“The application for withdrawal was not conceded to unconditionally but was on condition of payment of costs. In the circumstances, therefore, the applicant (Simbamanyo Estates) application stands dismissed upon withdrawal and the only issue for consideration is whether should be payable,” Justice Madrama ruled.

The bank sold the building to Meera Investments whose majority shareholder is property magnet Sudhir Ruparelia. This was after Simbamanyo Estates failed through all avenues to pay the Shs40.1b loan. The prime building in the city centre was auctioned by the bank for recovery of the loan.

The properties were guaranteed to Equity Bank Uganda as security to get the loan in November 2017.

]]>#2020UCE: Geography, Chemistry poorly done as UNEB withholds results of 1,292 candidates Fri, 30 Jul 2021 11:41:01 +0000 Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) has revealed that results of 1,292 candidates.

Releasing the 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results on Friday at State House Nakasero, UNEB Executive Secretary Dan Odongo said the results are being withheld because of examination malpractice related cases.

“This year, there is a reduction in the cases of examination malpractice compared to last year and previous years,” he said.

The nature of malpractice, Odongo said has mainly been external assistance (assistance given by third parties to the candidates), collusion where candidates are sharing the answers, impersonation, and script substitution among others.

“So, Mama [Janet Museveni], this year, in accordance with Section 5(2)(B) of UNEB Act 2021, 1,292 results will be withheld. This compares to 1,825 in 2019. This is why we are saying, there has been a reduction,” said Odongo.

“As usual, the affected candidates will be given a fair hearing and a final decision made,” he added.

On the other hand, Odongo expressed concern over students performance in science subjects.

“There is an overall improvement in performance in the large entry subjects except in Geography, Chemistry and Biology, although Biology showed a slight improvement at the Distinction 2 level”, he said.

He pointed out that more students still find difficulty in handling the apparatus during practical tests as well as marking and recording observations among other challenges.

Odongo added that candidates showed poor mathematical skills required in calculations, inability to write the correct symbols of elements, formulae of compounds and equations, among others.

]]>Don’t think about extending the lockdown, Lord Mayor Lukwago threatens Museveni Fri, 30 Jul 2021 10:38:20 +0000 City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has cautioned President Yoweri Museveni against extending the Covid-19 lockdown because it may lead to protests in the country.

During a news interview on CBS FM on Friday, Lukwago said President Museveni must understand that majority of Ugandans are dying from hunger and before he address the nation today, he must know that citizens are fed up with the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19.

“Mr. Museveni has put the entire country in prison without food. The relief fund Madam Nabbanja gave out is too little for someone to think that he has given support to people, therefore, Mr. Museveni must leave Ugandans to go back to work,” the Lord Mayor said.

On 18th June this year, President Museveni imposed the second lockdown of 42 days in the move to stop the spreading of the coronavirus.

However, according to Lukwago the 42 days of lockdown have been a total loss because there is no strategy aimed at helping Ugandans that has been put in place to save lives of people.

“There is no any single project that has been successful in these 42 days as far as prevention of covid-19 is concerned because even the vaccinated people don’t tantamount to 1 million. I can conclude by saying the 42 days were for Gen Museveni and his colleagues. Kampala people have been beaten by the security operatives maybe that is the only thing they have gotten from this lockdown.

“If Gen Museveni wants to test the wrath of Ugandans let him extend this lockdown. I can assure you Ugandans are tired and if he dares to try and extend this lockdown he will see it,” Lukwago warned.

]]>How to check your 2020 UCE results on phone Fri, 30 Jul 2021 10:21:31 +0000 Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has on Friday released the 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results.

The ceremony presided over by Education Minister Janet Museveni took place at State House Nakasero.

Releasing the results, the UNEB Executive Secretary Dan N. Odongo said the 2020 UCE candidature decreased by 4,324 (-1.3%) from 337,720 in 2019 to 333,396.

Of these, 148,128 (44.4%) were Universal Secondary Education (USE) beneficiaries. The number of females candidates registered is 166,744 (50.01%) and that of males is 166,652 (49.99%).

Odongo also noted that there was a better performance overall compared to 2019 with 312,162 candidates passing compared to 288,387 in the previous year.

He added that girls performed better than boys in English language but the latter outperformed the former in other subjects.

“Female candidates performed better than males in the English Language. In other large entry subjects, male candidates show better performance, with the differences more marked in Mathematics and the Sciences,” Odongo said.

How to check results on Phone: 

In your message box, type UCE <space> INDEX NUMBER and send it to 6600.

For example, to check the results of the candidate with index number U1016/001, in your message box, type UCE U1016/001 AND SEND TO 6600.

The user should then receive his/her examination results or registration details instantly. You will receive an SMS at a cost of UGX 500 per candidate

]]>2020 UCE results out, male candidates perform better than female counterparts Fri, 30 Jul 2021 10:16:06 +0000 Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has on Friday released the 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results.

The ceremony presided over by Education Minister Janet Museveni took place at State House Nakasero.

Releasing the results, the UNEB Executive Secretary Dan N. Odongo said the 2020 UCE candidature decreased by 4,324 (-1.3%) from 337,720 in 2019 to 333,396.

Of these, 148,128 (44.4%) were Universal Secondary Education (USE) beneficiaries. The number of females candidates registered is 166,744 (50.01%) and that of males is 166,652 (49.99%).

Odongo also noted that there was a better performance overall compared to 2019 with 312,162 candidates passing compared to 288,387 in the previous year.

He added that girls performed better than boys in English language but the latter outperformed the former in other subjects.

“Female candidates performed better than males in the English Language. In other large entry subjects, male candidates show better performance, with the differences more marked in Mathematics and the Sciences,” Odongo said.

]]>Mt. Rwenzori’s numerous adrenaline-charged peaks, rich and rare ecological diversity, combined with once-in-a-lifetime breathtaking views continue to attract renowned mountaineers. Fri, 30 Jul 2021 09:49:13 +0000 the world begins to come to terms with the Covid-19 pandemic, ramp up vaccinations and warm up to tourism, the charming allure and unique diversity of Uganda continues to attract travellers in search of bucket-list and once-in-a-lifetime destinations with wide-open spaces and natural wonders.

According to the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, tourism numbers, although yet to reach the pre-pandemic levels, are steadily recovering. Overall tourist bookings tripled between August 2020 when Uganda formally reopened its tourism industry under strict standard operating safety protocols, to 83,464 bookings by the end of March 2021. As such, bookings registered by airlines and accommodation facilities doubled by end of March 2021 while bookings recorded by tour operators increased eleven-fold between August 2020 and March 2021. Foreign tourist bookings increased faster in the same period.

Hotel occupancy rates in Uganda also increased by 10 percentage points by end of March 2021 to an average of 31% down from 20.1% at the end of the year 2020 while weekly flights within or to and out of Uganda increased fourfold by end of March 2021 rising from a weekly average of 3 flights in 2020 to a weekly average of 11 flights in 2021. This means that 73% of the flights that fly Ugandan routes had resumed. As a result, at least 30% of tourism jobs were recovered by end of March 2021.

Although the country entered a second, this time partial 42-day lockdown starting on June 19th, 2021, there are indications that foreign tourist arrivals are holding steady. Monthly statistics from Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA) show that international arrivals between May and June reduced by just 16.6% to 29,209 passengers from 35,012 passengers in May 2021. Quarterly, there was an 18.4% increase in international arrivals, from 83,957 travellers in Q1 2021 to 99,384 at the end of Q2 2021.

Passionate mountaineers continue to submit to Mt. Rwenzori’s irresistible breathtaking beauty and tough charm

Julian Wright, a professional mountaineer, lead guide/ field expert for over 15 years and owner of African Ascents Limited, a Kenya-based outdoor adventure company is one of those tourists who has taken advantage of this less busy period, to fulfil his 6-year old dream of conquering Mt.Rwenzori.

Julian is no ordinary mountaineer. He has not only summited both Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya, the two tallest mountains in Africa, as well as several other mountains all over the world, including Kenya, South Africa, the United States, Canada, the Alps, Himalayas, Southeast Asia and most recently the Rwenzoris.

“This is my first time to the Rwenzoris. My main motivation to come here actually started about six years ago. I have been wanting to come here for a very long time, but finally, I’ve been able to come out and see what this beautiful mountain has to offer,” he said in an interview, soonest after returning from a record-setting climb of Mt. Rwenzori.

Record-setting because he climbed 8 peaks in 7 days, which, according to John Hunwick, 73, the founder of Rwenzori Trekking Services (RTS), the company that arranged and facilitated the hike, this feat has never been done before. The best, according to Hunwick, was 4 peaks in 8 days. And unlike most climbers who have to be assisted by porters, Julian carried his backpack with his luggage and climbing gear.

“I have a lot of clients and visitors we’ve had on our mountains in Kenya and Tanzania, who are really interested to come and see this part of the world, so it was really nice to come and see for myself and see what works for them,” added Julian, adding: “You really have an incredible resource here and it’s nice to be able to experience it.”

Julian summited the four highest peaks on Mt. Stanley, one of the six massifs making up the Rwenzori ranges. The other five massifs are Mount Speke; Mount Baker; Mount Emin; Mount Gessi and Mount Luigi di Savoia.

The four Mt. Stanley peaks summitted by Julian in under seven hours, are Margherita, (5,109 metres), namely Alexandra Peak (5,090 metres), Albert Peak (5,087 metres), and Cheptegei (4,907 meters).  He also summited Mutinda Lookout (3,975 metres); Mt. Speke’s tallest peak- Vittorio Emanuele (4890 metres) as well as Iolanda Peak, (4,175 metres) the tallest peak on Mt. Gessi and finally, Mt. Baker’s Edward Peak (4,844 metres).

In total, Julian, who had set off to do 10 peaks in 8 days, had to abandon 2 others due to heavy rain and fog.  Regardless, an awestruck Julian said in an interview (full interview attached) that this was sufficient to give him a feel of the mountain whose ecological diversity, he describes as “mind-blowing” and scenic landscapes as “breathtaking.”

Comparing both the climbing experience and the eco-diversity of the East African mountains, he has summited to Mt. Rwenzori, Julian says the Rwenzoris are exceptional both in quality and quantity.

“I’ve been guiding and hiking, and I’ve been in the outdoors business for a very long time, but the vastness of the Rwenzoris is just breathtaking. I mean, you go into some areas, and it really feels very remote. It feels almost untouched, in a way,” he says, adding: “There are many peaks, and just the sheer ecological diversity, is mind-blowing…. Everything here seems to be three times as big. The leaves are bigger, the plants are bigger, everything is so lush, there’s so much life, and it is truly unique.”

“The glaciers on the Rwenzoris are very unique. They are a lot bigger than any other glaciers on East African mountains,” he adds.

Julian, too was captivated by the Rwenzoris’ bird diversity.

“In the last couple of hours, we have been staring up in the trees, and the guides know their birds so well, that I literally would just ask them, what is that calling, and somebody knew what it was. We have seen the Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori Batis, Rwenzori Double-Collared Sunbird and several others. And we have been listening to the Red-chested cuckoos all the way down the mountain; there is very many of them. There is just so much happening, it’s very difficult to actually try and, you know, understand everything,” he told reporters in an interview after his 7 days climb.

About the climbing experience, especially for the inexperienced climbers, Julian said that Mt. Rwenzori by its nature offers a variety of options.

“The trails have been so well managed, and the huts have been so well established that even for somebody who’s not incredibly fit, there are options in between. So, you can break the day up and take your time with it, which then allows you to acclimatize well, and it’s something that I think you’re very lucky with here,” he says adding: “Because you have more ranges, this allows people more time to acclimatize. There is more distance, so people get to acclimatize better.”

Italian mountaineering couple, also swept away by Mt. Rwenzori’s unique charm

Christian and Dagmara Kuhne the Italian mountaineering couple who also this month were facilitated by Rwenzori Trekking Services to climb Mt. Rwenzori, were unanimously in agreement about the unique eco-diversity and the ‘sweet challenge’ presented by the Mt. Rwenzori.

In a July 9th meeting with the UTB Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Bradford Ochieng, soon after returning from an 8-day climb, the duo also said that Rwenzori’s unique endowment aside, the mountain, unlike many other mountains popular with climbers, is uncrowded which enhances the entire experience.

“We made the eight days trek with Rwenzori Trekking Services, and it was a very good experience with a lot of nature and vegetation,” Christian told the media.

The couple who was brought together by their love for mountains and together have climbed the Alps, Mt. Pyrenes (3,404 m) in Spain, Mt. Damavand in Iran (5609m) and Lenin Peak (7,134m) on the Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan border and made their marriage proposal atop Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) and summited Aconcagua (6,960.8 m) in Argentina, say that Rwenzori, in Africa, presents a climbing experience like no other.

Dagmara who at first says was challenged by the rain and humidity said that she later got used to the terrain which she later found to be a sweet challenge.

“The going up, seeing the rocks and then the glaciers. It was really a nice experience. It is also important that it was not crowded,” says Dagmara, adding: “That was something extra nice. It was really a nice experience.”

“When you compare with Kilimanjaro, other than the altitude sickness (because of height), technically Kilimanjaro is a normal hike. Rwenzori is different. You begin in the rain forest, then you have a lot of muddy trails… it rains a lot quite every day. It is also longer. The last push, the last day, climbing Peak Margherita, you have to climb. You have to use crampons (ice axe), so it’s really climbing a mountain. It’s not only hiking,” says Christian.

Mr. Ochieng invited the couple to come again and visit Uganda,  as the country had thousands of attractions

“The world over, we are known as the “Pearl of Africa” and this is because we offer some of the continent’s incredible picturesque landscapes that include mountains, grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes and wetlands, each with its unique ecological attractions. The country’s 10 national parks, 12 wildlife reserves, 10 wildlife sanctuaries, 5 community wildlife management areas and 506 central forest reserves among others, create unrivalled guarantees to come face to face with “The Big Five + 2” â€" lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo, chimpanzee and mountain gorillaâ€" as well as giraffe, zebra, hippopotamus, crocodile, and more than half of all bird species found in Africa,” he told the Italian couple.

He also told the Italian couple, that Uganda was also home to Lake Victoria the second-largest freshwater lake in the world which forms the source of the Nile, the world’s longest river as well as Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, one of the most beautiful places on earth and home to more than half the world’s population of endangered mountain gorillas.

Uganda is Open and Safe for Tourism   

Lilly Ajarova the Uganda Tourism Board Chief Executive Officer reiterated Uganda’s readiness to give tourists an unforgettable experience.

“Working with the Ministry of Health we have put in place a win-win protocol of ensuring that our visitors continue to travel and enjoy the Pearl of Africa while ensuring both their and our citizens’ safety,” she said.

“All travellers whose body temperature is NOT above 37.5°C (99.5°F), do not have a persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, or other flu-like symptoms, and have a negative COVID -19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test certificate issued within 72 hours from the time of sample collection to boarding aircraft shall be allowed to enter or depart Uganda,” said Lilly Ajarova, the Chief Executive Officer of Uganda Tourism Board (UTB).

“All arriving passengers from Category 1 & 2 countries will be subjected to a COVID -19 PCR test on arrival in Uganda in addition to the negative test undertaken from their country of origin. However, individuals from Category 2 countries who have received full COVID-19 vaccination and have no signs of COVID-19 will be exempted from the arrival PCR tests,” she added.

Category 1 is India while category 2 countries include the United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), United Arab Emirates (UAE), Turkey, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan. Category 3 is all other countries not in Categories 1 & 2.

She advised travelling passengers to go online ( and fill in the Passenger Location Form (PLF) form and print it. On arrival and after clearing with customs and port health authorities, visitors will be required to present the PLF to the tourist help desk. They will then meet up with their designated safari/travel company representative, who will then drive them to the testing centre for sample collection and thereafter proceed to the designated hotel to wait for their results which should be ready in about 1.5 hours.

“All those testing negative will be allowed to proceed to enjoy The Pearl of Africa while those testing positive, shall be treated according to the Ministry of Health protocols for COVID-19.

]]>Lockdown is not over until the President says so, Police warns ahead of Museveni’s Covid-19 address Fri, 30 Jul 2021 09:13:41 +0000 have warned Ugandans that the lockdown is still in place and they should wait for the President to address the nation on the way forward.

In his June 18 address on Covid-19, President Yoweri Museveni imposed a 42 day total lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the second wave of the pandemic. The imposed lockdown days end today.

Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga says the lockdown will only be lifted by the President who is expected to update the nation on the Covid-19 fight progress today Friday at 8pm.

“The leadership of the Joint Security Agencies, has noted with serious concern calls by selected politicians, encouraging the public to disregard the lockdown and re-open their businesses and activities. The lifting of the lockdown restrictions without a proper plan, means throwing away all protection, which is very dangerous and risky for the health and safety of Ugandans and visitors in the country,” Enanga said in a statement on Friday.

“We are all aware the pandemic has not disappeared and therefore, need to remain cautious and not lose out on the individual and collective gains we have all made in keeping ourselves and everyone else safe. Let us therefore, wait for the address of H.E. The President and follow the range of options that the government is looking to provide.”

Enanga added that as the Joint Security Agencies, they will continue to strictly enforce the lockdown measures and urged the public to strictly abide by the rules and regulations still in place.

]]>NUP’s Rubongoya denies landing top job in Museveni government Fri, 30 Jul 2021 08:19:03 +0000 National Unity Platform( NUP) Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya has refuted reports that President Yoweri Museveni has appointed him Ambassador.

On Friday, Daily Pepper tabloid (former Red Pepper) in their article titled ‘New Envoys list leaks’,claimed that Rubongoya and Democratic Party (DP) president Norbert Mao had been tipped for ambassadorial roles.

However, Rubongoya has described the report as the ‘biggest joke of all time’.

He said the NRM system has survived all these years by sponsoring propaganda meant to discredit, derail, divide and eventually destroy those who oppose it and that’s why a malicious article has been authored against him.

“When they try to compromise you and you refuse, they resort to lies and blackmail. For avoidance of doubt, this story and many such others are false and they should be treated with the contempt they deserve,” Rubongoya said in a Facebook post on Friday.

“If our mission was to get jobs, we would never have abandoned our good jobs in the first place to focus on the struggle for freedom and democracy. Some of us would never have opted out of the system and decided to fight it! Our mission is to remove a military dictatorship that has ruined our country. We shall stop at nothing until we achieve that mission. Everything else is a diversion,” he added.

]]>NUP bickering escalates as some MPs cross to Kibalama camp Fri, 30 Jul 2021 07:59:12 +0000 Del W. Omony

It’s not yet over until it’s over. News from our reliable sources has it authoritatively that after the massive exposure of the Bobi Wine, David Lewis Rubongaya mishaps at the Kamwokya based National Unity Platform (NUP) political party, a good number of Members of Parliament have shown allegiance to the the party founder Moses Kibalama Nkonge, citing that the duo even never told them about the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

And to make matters worse, Bobi Wine, the party president, Rubongoya, the Secretary General and team illegally swapped the party constitution with a forged one to galvanise their personal interests.

The illegal swapping of the 2004 party constitution has really hit the legislators so much that they no longer have any trust in the people who only mind about themselves other than doing what is always preached about in casual words of the singer now turned politician hence crossing to the less greedy Kibalama who gave Bobi Wine real name Robert Kyagulanyi a platform thinking his objectives and those of the party he founded 16 years back would be embraced by the younger team to bring about justice and rule of law in the country.

After imploring the regulator, Electoral Commissioner through the letter dated 22/07/2021 seeking to be allowed to form an interim leadership, the Kibalama Camp and their apologists have since embarked on putting up the new NUP secretariat where harmonisation is going to be conducted from rendering the Kamwokya based office not concerned with any party activities.

Kibalama clearly states that the party belongs to all Ugandans who subscribe/resonate with its objectives and aims.

“This is not a matter of who owns the party but rather we need to be objective and respect the rules of the game ” Kibalama asserted, adding that “the issue here is to make people realise servant leadership and show willingness in the manner we do things even before we attain the much creeved for power, but our comrades have exhibited very bad leadership character even when they know very well how they joined the National Unity Platform (NUP) on the 11th/07/2020.”

A case of fraudulent smuggling and swapping of the original party constitution and tempering with party documents has since been opened up at Kampala Central Police Station (CPS) at the Crime Intelligence desk where 4 of the senior party officials including the party president Bobi Wine are being investigated.

Watch the space.


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