From the Archives 1936 GMH opens new plant at Fishermans Bend

By Staff writers November 4, 2021 â€" 10.20am

First published in The Age November 6, 1936.



Aerial view of the General Motors Holden plant, Fisherman’s Bend.

Aerial view of the General Motors Holden plant, Fisherman’s Bend.Credit:Airspy Collection, State Library of Victoria


Progressive Manufacturing Trend.

Elaborate Plant Installed.

THE trend in industrial expansion is well expressed in the ceremony which took place at Fisherman’s Bend yesterday afternoon, when the Prime Minister (Mr. J. A. Lyons) officially opened the extensive works of General Motors-Holden’s Limited.

Economic signs have been in evidence since the trade depression to point the way in Australia’s future development. Stunned by the shock inflicted upon all forms of commercial activity, trade languished, even after Governments were exhibiting improved budgets and the most cheerful, if somewhat impetuous, Ministers were telling their constituents that we had “turned the corner.” But while Governments lacked the initiative required to stimulate private enterprise, many of our leaders in commerce and industry were not idle. With that foresight and common sense characteristic of the merchant adventurers the Anglo-Saxon tradition, they were planning ahead. When their efforts at constructive restoration were given political encouragement, schemes took definite shape, and the changing trend became a tangible idea for executives to work upon.

Thus the establishment of £433,085 worth of buildings and plant at Fisherman’s Bend is not without its national significance. Ministers, unfortunately may waver in their fiscal policies, but those who read aright the tendencies in world events do not hesitate in their objectives. They accept the fact that Australia, a young nation once engaged mainly in primary production, is faced with increasing and intensive development of her secondary industries. It is yet too early to talk of an industrial boomâ€"and this word has acquired an alliterative significance which enjoins upon us prudence in our enthusiasmâ€"but there can be no turning back in a campaign of expansion. Our policy is clear. Only a progressive march towards the goal which economic circumstances and external competitive factors dictate, will lead captains and skilled artisans in the field of industry, to victory. There is something inspiring in the organisation of any big undertaking. It reflects creative impulses in invention and execution. Once the wheels of an industry are set in motion the combined intelligence and adaptability of executives and workers are called forth. Old methods are developed in new forms of craftsmanship. New methods evolve in the miracle of labor applied to mechanical efficiency, and when the old has served its purpose the nucleus of the advancing majority is linked up in consolidated effort and achievement.

A large crowd gathered in the assembly department of General Motors-Holden Ltd., to watch the Prime Minister (Mr. Lyons) officially open the new plant at Fisherman’s Bend.

A large crowd gathered in the assembly department of General Motors-Holden Ltd., to watch the Prime Minister (Mr. Lyons) officially open the new plant at Fisherman’s Bend.Credit:The Age Archives


Prime Minister’s Speech.


2000 People Present.

More than 2000 people witnessed the official opening of the new works and the Australian headquarters of General Motors-Holden Ltd., by the Prime Minister (Mr. J. A. Lyons) yesterday afternoon. At the conclusion of his address he pressed a button, which actuated the steam whistle and set the assembly line in motion. Technicians then proceeded to their stations, and the official inspection commenced.

Three hundred country dealers accepted invitations to attend, while 9000 outside visitors, 400 members of the staff and 600 factory hands, were present also.

The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of the occasion because, although the new General Motors-Holdens plant was in Victoria, the industry was national in character, and at least one aspect of its importance was that, both directly and indirectly, it effected a great deal of re-employment. The new plant was a monument to the company, which had confidence in the future of Australia, and as representative of the Commonwealth Government, he congratulated the company for the confidence it had shown in launching out on such a large scale.

Overseas Confidence.

The Governments, neither Federal nor State, were expected to interfere with industry, he said. But they were expected to provide conditions that would ensure the success of any industry established. There was nothing for the Government to do except lay down those conditions necessary to make the success of the industry possible. We had capital coming from other parts of the world, and that indicated there was a feeling overseas of security and confidence in this country.

Prime Minister Ben Chifley introducing the first Australian-made GM-H car to the nation on November 29, 1948.

Prime Minister Ben Chifley introducing the first Australian-made GM-H car to the nation on November 29, 1948.

One had only to look around the new building to realise that many other industries had contributed to its erection. The new structure stood not only for efficiency, but for beauty, and he was delighted to see the conditions under which the employes of the company would work. This in itself was a demonstration of General Motors-Holdens’ faith in the future of the Commonwealth, because they had built something which would endure. Not the least among their achievements was that they had inspired others with confidence to establish similar projects, because he understood that other companies had plans in hand for the creation of other industries in the locality.

One thing that pleased him, and which he was sure would please all Australians, was that the company had found it necessary to spend only £10,000 out of their total expenditure of £450,000 on the importation of materials from foreign countries.

As long as the company played its part, Mr. Lyons declared, it would have the sympathy and the encouragement of the Government.

What had been done by General Motors could be done by any other Australian organisation, and he was sure there was nothing an Australian could not do if he set his mind to it. It was some time said that the profits of General Motors went out of the country but that was only because the original capital came from outside. We should be pleased that the holders of foreign capital had sufficient confidence in the Australian nation to invest their money here. One thing many people lost sight of in connection with this matter was the incalculable benefits derived from the employment which was created.

Mr. Lyons, in conclusion, said he regarded it as a great privilege to be asked to open the plant, and he congratulated the company on its enterprise. (Loud applause.)

Other Enterprises.

Mr. Lind (the Minister of Lands) said he found it hard to realise that eighteen months ago the site of the factory had been known as “No Man’s Land.” Last year the project did not seem important, but it grew at a rate that was at least interesting, and the full magnitude of it was only realised now.

Already, he said, many applications for areas of land in close proximity to the General Motors-Holdens site had been received, and in the very near future he believed that similar industries would be established in the vicinity.


Development in Fifty Years.

Inspection of the assembly plant, spare parts department and commercial body-building plant yesterday revealed the possibilities of tremendous expansion within the site of 50 acres in the General Motors-Holden undertaking. It was impressive to have pointed out intricate gear and machinery which is completely manufactured in Australia. From the assembly conveyors to the conditioning pits, the processes of placing a motor car on the road were fascinatingly demonstrated. Welding, spray painting, mounting bodies on to chasses, frame riveting, metal washing and ducoing illustrated the refinements which make the modern vehicle a thing of beauty as well as utility. Engines hoisted by monorail to the assembly line for mounting on the chasses provided an absorbing spectacle.

It is interesting to trace the origin or the enterprise from the saddlery business of Messrs. Holden and Frost, which started in Adelaide fifty years ago. The actual building of motor bodies began in 1917, and the well-known industry at Woodville expanded into the largest motor body building plant in the British Empire, a subsidiary commercial body-building plant and special body service stations in the capital cities of three States. Assets of the complete organisation exceed £3,000,000. and, it is calculated 40 per cent, of Australia’s transport needs are served. At least 600 bodies will be exported to foreign countries this year.

In 1926 complete marketing facilities were set up in the Commonwealth by General Motors Corporation, and by 1926 the Australian branch of this corporation put chasses on the line in every State. By 1931 nearly 70 per cent. of the output of the Holden factory was being used by the company, and the interests of the two firms were consolidated in a merger, which was capitalised at £1,550,000, of which over £500,000 is held by 1550 Australian shareholders. In 1935 there were over 7000 employes on the payroll, receiving £1,250,000 annually in wages. Australian materials for cars and trucks amounted the year to £1,750.000.

The new plant at Fisherman’s Bend is claimed to be the most modern in the world. This site of 50 acres, with a river frontage of 1768 feet, and an average depth approximately of 1250 feet, is less than two miles and a half from the heart of Melbourne. The present buildings occupy an area of 14 acres.

The administration building contains nearly 50,000 square feet of internal floor space. Its tower is 88 feet high. Three thousand square feet of ground floor space are devoted to display of the latest types of cars and trucks manufactured by the company. Insulation against heat penetration is provided by a layer of two-inch cork sheeting over the whole of the roof area.

The main factory building is the largest single-story building in Australia with a floor area of 330,000 square feet, more than 7 1/2 acres. The five-ton overhead travelling crane has a speed of 360 feet per minute. The building contains more than three acres of glass, of which a large proportion is heat absorbing glass on the north and west to prevent excessive heat in summer.

The total estimated cost of the Fisherman’s Bend plant is £433,085, which includes £278,940 for cost of buildings and £102,653 for equipment. With the exception of approximately £10,000 for special equipment which could not be procured in this country, all this money was spent in Australia on Australian materials.

Advertisement for the first Holden - £675 ($1466), 1948.

Advertisement for the first Holden - £675 ($1466), 1948.Credit:The Age Archives

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