Your Daily Horoscope for Friday July 30

By Hedy Damari July 30, 2021 â€" 8.33am


March 21- April 19

Today you may demand an explanation from someone or a system letting you down or not doing their job properly. Good for you! The squeaky wheel will get the oil so don’t stop until you get what you want. You may also go to bat for someone who has trouble standing up for themselves.

Every star sign on love, career and more.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

As the dynamic sun and go-getting Mars promote productivity in your home sector this is the perfect time to get the family together for a dinner, round table discussion or perhaps a small DIY project. You’ll also feel a strong urge to reach out to childhood friends or perhaps explore your roots with the help of relatives.


May 21-June 21

Getting the go ahead or gaining a special entry will be more challenging than you thought. Charisma won’t be enough - you’ll have to think on your feet and thankfully ruling planet Mercury will allow you to do so. Don’t give up! The outcomes will more than justify your efforts so maintain your confidence and simply try a different tack.


June 22-July 22

Forget about routine and rhythms and try to be more spontaneous! You’re not exactly one for last minute changes or flying by the seat of your pants but today you have the opportunity to be utterly exhilarated by something unexpected whether it’s a last minute invitation or business opportunity. Run with it and allow yourself to see the silver lining.


July 23-August 22

Cluttered surroundings lead to a cluttered mind. If you feel overwhelmed and unproductive a wave of efficiency will help you to overhaul and streamline your surroundings as well as your daily routine. Simplifying your life will make you more grateful for what you have and free up your time to focus on the things you love.


August 23-September 22

It’s a good thing you’re flexible because today there’ll be more than your fair share of chopping and changing in regards to your routine. See this a time to take care of the finer details so you can then make giant leaps. Critical thinking and analysis will get you through problems. Save your energy for things you’re passionate about.


September 23-October 22

Scratch beneath the surface and dig deep. There is much more to a situation than you initially thought. Don’t take things at face value and see beyond the obvious. People are more complex and wonderful than they seem. The Sun heightens your perception so pay more attention to other people’s nuances - you’ll learn a lot and avoid mistakes.


October 23 â€" November 22

Today the pace of life will be stepped up, so too will your energy levels and enthusiasm. You’ll be able to cover more ground than usual in regards to emails, phone calls, meetings that are long overdue and the general minutiae. If you’ve been meaning to snail mail a letter to a loved one go ahead and make their day.


November 23-December 20

Showing an open and generous spirit will have its rewards on so many levels. The stars are encouraging you to count your blessings and reprioritise in order to feed your soul. Your creative juices will be flowing so throw yourself into artistic projects. Expressing yourself will be satisfying and very therapeutic. Meanwhile, don’t shun detours. Take the scenic route!


December 21-January 19

Today it will be simple to make life easier and more satisfying. The slightest bit of organisation will help you to take charge of details which, face it, are the underpinnings of foundations. Meanwhile, situations call for you to be assertive. Timing and delivery are crucial so keep calm, carry on and make the most of each new opportunity.


January 20-February 18

Your sector of health is getting the VIP treatment for just a few more days, while Mercury helps you to think outside of the box. This is the ultimate time to engage and align your body, mind and spirit. Take on mentally stimulating challenges, immerse yourself in new physical activities from barre to paddle boarding and commit to meditating on a daily basis.


February 19-March 20

You’re the most intuitive sign but now you’ll be even more so. Picking up hidden cues from people and reading between the lines will be much easier. This is an excellent time for financial planning and strategising, especially with partners both romantic and business. Invest your time in some research, preferably together so that you’re on the same page.

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